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Problem Solving Skills: Handy Quality of Every Caregiver

Problem Solving Skills Handy Quality of Every Caregiver1

The caregiver is that one person whose problem-solving skills are especially necessary. With all our caregiving experience as a home health agency in Darby, Pennsylvania, we know this to be true. In the presence of our clients, we’re pushed to address issues and concerns that will alleviate the situations of our patients. Thankfully, the more we serve, the more problem-solving skills are harnessed.

So, we would like to impart to you some tips on how to overcome problems as they arise in your caregiving duties. Consider the following list as a quick guide:

  • Find out what causes the problem
    As they say, every smoke begins with a fire. If your client complains of a pain, you spot the problems right away. Problems are issues that are not good and therefore need to be corrected. When you encounter problematic issues in your patient, the first step is to identify the cause. You wouldn’t want to make just any kind of move lest you risk worsening the situation. It’s highly important to really spot the cause in order to provide the appropriate remedy.
  • Identify possible solutions
    Every person has a different way of solving problems in the same way that every problem can be solved in many different ways. If you’re faced with a particular issue in your caregiving role, try to make a list of possible solutions.
  • Evaluate possible solutions
    When your list of solutions is ready, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. It’s crucial that you understand the possible risks of your solution and try to weigh them against the advantages. It will be ideal to pick the option with more advantages for the patient or the people concerned. At the end of the day, however, it would still matter to get the best solution necessary even if it would have complications within the process.
  • Test identified solutions
    It is also important to test which of your solutions can provide the ideal outcome. For instance, because you’re a companionship aide, you need to start up a conversation with the elderly person you’re keeping company with. But your patient is not replying. One of your solutions would be to pick a good topic. If they manifest an interesting interaction with you, the problem is solved. If not, you’ll have to try another option.
  • Assess the results
    The results of your solutions determine if you’ve addressed the problem at the root or not. Some results can be temporary while others are lasting. Depending on the problem, you have to evaluate if the results generated are as effective as you want them to be. If not, you could try another solution.

At Edmacy Home Care, we take pride in the excellent skills and professionalism of our team in providing home care services in Pennsylvania. You can trust us to address your home care needs in ways that are unique to your circumstances, while at the same time, alleviating the conditions of your loved one. Feel free to contact us about our services.

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